Travel insurance policy.

While we have heard about them, they are still quite a mystery to us. Even people who opt them for their travels are unsure about their usefulness. So it is not surprising to know that there are a lot of myths about travel insurances, which make people look at them with apprehension.

In this blog, we are re-evaluating everything we know about travel insurance and break the myths and uncertainties surrounding them.

As the name suggests, travel insurance policy comes in handy when you are travelling. Whether you are booking a long trip or a budget trip, travel insurance plans can act as a backup for additional costs in the case of an unexpected situation like loss of baggage, trip cancellation or delay, loss of documents and medical expenses.

So here are the five most commonly discussed myths about travel insurances and how the policy truly works:

Myth 1: The belief that nothing will happen to you

While we all wish this to be true, life is so unpredictable that it can go topsy turvy in a matter of seconds. You might have travelled all around the world and never had an issue. But things could go wrong in just a one trip making you wish you had a backup plan.

Even though it all sounds too morbid, that is how uncertain your life is.  Unfortunately, there are a number of things that can disrupt your well-planned journey. For instance, it could be as simple as a flight delay or a much worse situation like meeting with an accident needing hospitalization. This is why it is advised that anyone who has an impending long-distance travel plan opt-in for a travel insurance policy – just to be on the safe side.

Myth 2: The surety that you are already covered by life/health insurance

Most people who have health or life insurance back in their home country will think that it will cover any unforeseen situations they face while travelling abroad. This is not true. Unless you buy a travel insurance plan that covers overseas travel, your health insurance, life insurance or credit card policies will not cover travel-related risks and problems. This stands true for everything from theft to natural disasters that affect your trip abroad.

Without travel insurance that covers your trip, you may end up losing a lot of money as you won’t be able to get reimbursement for any of the unpredicted expenses that incur. Nowadays, some countries have made it mandatory to be covered under travel insurance to enter their territory.

Myth 3: Travel insurance policy only covers travel disasters

This is another one of the myths that surround travel insurances. Truth is that comprehensive travel insurance will cover more than just disasters like accidents, injuries and illness. Any unexpected turn of events including flight delays, connection flight cancellation and short notice hotel bookings in the face of said events will be covered under travel insurance.

Myth 4: Travel insurance is for those who enjoy adventure trips

While travel insurance policy is particularly helpful for the adventurous ones, it benefits anyone who is travelling to an unknown country and just walks down the pavement. The insurance covers any traveller and all uncertainties involved in the trip and doesn’t only cover people who are into adventure sports and activities.

Myth 5: Medical costs are cheaper overseas

This is the biggest blunder that people make. While there are countries that provide cheaper medical services, most hospitals abroad ask for insurance to avail medicines and treatments without burning a hole in your pocket. For instance, most medical expenses in UAE are covered under the medical insurance for the residents of the country. But for any man, woman or child who is travelling in the country without insurance and needs medical attention, they will have to pay a hefty price. So, better safe than sorry.

So that sums it up. Unlike popular myths and beliefs, travel insurance is very necessary for any traveller who is planning a long trip outside the country. Stay protected during your trips with the best travel insurance policy in Abu Dhabi.

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